Zero Tolerance For Controlling-Legalistic Churches. It is Anti-Christ!

Didn’t take but ten weeks for us to , leave another church. Sad but true. Looking for a church we can agree with and hang out hat; we had hoped for the ability to come and go while we minister there and elsewhere. Some pretty good messages were followed by really bad teachings laced with fear of going to hell and not being committed enough. The people were overwhelming friendly but after the welcoming party, you’re expected at roll call. Keeping yourself on the favorites list will require certain behavior and maturity isn’t one of them. So here’s the reasons for leaving. Controlling, legalistic, guilt-ridden sermons designed to “convict” and not edify will fool some of the folks some of the time but I’m still kicking dust off from our last church and also from the church described in my first book, First Wash The Inside. It doesn’t take long for this legalistic-church escapee to sniff out the religious spirit and witchcraft anywhere, including church. Knowing the grace gospel is one thing; keeping yourself out of the legalism muck and mire is another. Hebrews 2:1 warns us not to be complacent in the truth but be alert and wary lest we drift from our freedom. But in this hour, you are being tugged, pulled and sucked into the guilt, rules and obligation that we must run from if they won’t listen to the truth and repent.

We began skipping Sundays and sure enough, the escape horn went off, the dogs came out and a search party was after us. We were “missed” at roll call. Warned from the pulpit to be planted and not “church hoppers,” we are outta here. Being missed but never heard or listened to, a common legalism trademark, we must shake the dust off our feet and not look back.

The day of our last visit, I had woken up with a dream about someone putting Nair hair removal lotion on an already sore or burned face. That’s damaging and will not be helpful but rather is harmful. When the Word is spoken it doesn’t need to sting, it’s a salve. It’s refreshing. It’s nourishing.

Messages inspired by the likes of John Bevere are nothing to take lightly or tolerate. I’m heeding the signs and warning in my dream. We move on. It’s called Zero Tolerance for legalism. How is this Anti-Christ? Christ is grace. The gospel is freedom from bondage, freedom from sin and reconciliation with God. The gospel is good news if they will receive it in Christ. Anyone who teaches you that you’re not pleasing God if you don’t attend regularly is preaching anti-grace anti-spirit! Listen to the Holy Spirit, not led by guilt. In fact anything not done by faith is sin (Rom 14:23) so do only that which is spirit-led not from obligation. A good pastor will teach the people how to be spirit led, use spiritual gifts and use spiritual discernment.

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